Friday, November 29, 2019

HP Hosts 2018 Fall Industry Advisory Board Meeting, Discussion...

HP Hosts 2018 Fall Industry Advisory mainmainboard Meeting, Discussion... HP Hosts 2018 Fall Industry Advisory Board Meeting, Discussion... HP Hosts 2018 Fall Industry Advisory Board Meeting, Discussion Focused on ASMEs Industry EventsKeith Moore (left), who leads the Print Adjacencies and 3D Lab at HP, provides members of the Industry Advisory Board with an overview of HPs activities in 3D printing and manufacturing during the IAB fall meeting last month in Palo Alto, Calif.On October 15 and 16, the ASME Industry Advisory Board held its fall 2018 meeting at the headquarters of multinational information technology company HP Inc. in Palo Alto, Calif. Twenty IAB members attended the meeting, which was hosted by Tommy Gardner, chair of the ASME IAB and chief technology officer at HP Federal. The event also marked the first IAB meeting for ASME Executive Director Tom Costabile, who attended with several key members of his executive team.The meeting kicked off on October 15 with a dinner featuring guest speaker Dr. Shaun Maguire, partener at GV (formerly Google Ventures) and chairman of Expanse. Dr. Maguire is a well-known entrepreneur, investor and scientist with a broad technology background in cybersecurity, tracking of data in connected devices, and power transfer in space propulsion. He spoke about his work on cybersecurity developments in Washington, D.C., and provided the attendees with practical insights on future trends related to this area that would enable industry to better protect itself from cyber breaches.The IAB business meeting, which was held Oct. 16, focused on ASMEs industry events and conferences. Jeff Patterson, ASMEs chief operating officer, and members of the ASME new product development team provided the board with background on ASMEs past experience with industry events. The group then took part in an exercise to identify pain points, opportunities and challenges for industry events in ASMEs five strategic technology areas. (Left to right) ASME Executive Director Tom Costabile, HP Chief Engineer Chandrakant Patel, IAB Chair Tommy Gardner, ASME immediate Past President and Past IAB Chair Charla Wise, and ASME President-Elect Richard Laudenat at the HP Customer Welcome Center.During the IAB luncheon that afternoon, Dr. Chandrakant Patel, P.E., HPs chief engineer, gave a presentation that focused on identifying megatrends for HP and assembling cross-disciplinary teams to solve HPs technical challenges. He enthusiastically championed a deeper understanding of engineering fundamentals for students, noting that the time is now for engineers and engineering students to strive to solve new and emerging engineering challenges.The meeting successfully concluded with a conversation on the ASME E-Fest recently held in Brazil, which was presented by Marcelino Gomes, director of pipelines and terminals for Petrobras Abreu e Lima Refinery, and John Falcioni, senior director of Media, Content Strategic Relationships at ASME. An invitation was issued for IAB member companies to consider getting involved in future ASME E-Fest activities, either in the United States or internationally, as a way to connect young professionals to ASME and encourage the spirit of innovation. Stanford Ph.D. student Heungdong Kwon describes his laser research to ASME President-Elect Richard Laudenat.Attendees of the fall meeting were also given the opportunity to take part in two tours, including one of HP Labs where they learned about the companys leadership in 3D manufacturing and printing. A second visit to Stanford University offered IAB members the chance to see some of the universitys cutting-edge activities in design education, nanoheat and robotics. The Stanford University tour was led by a team of Ph.D. students and organized by Dr. Lester Su, who is the chair of ASMEs Committee on Government Relations.ASME established the IAB in 1987 to help ensure that the Societys programs are relevant and ef fective for its members in industry and to strengthen the Societys ties with industry. Since then the Board, which represents a wide range of companies, has worked to advise ASME about current industry challenges in order to enable ASME to better serve its industry customers. For more information about the IAB, visit Industry Advisory Board. Melissa Carl and Ellen Kuo, ASME Public Affairs

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